interaction magic


I offer talks for design teams and student classes about experience prototyping, interaction technology and my work as a designer and technologist. I've spoken at national and international events including TEDx, FITC, Ars Electronica and the Royal Geographical Society.

Experience prototyping keynote

New product ideas begin life as sketches, roadmaps and data-driven research. Saying yes to these new ideas is hard. You can't get a gut feeling for a new experience when there's nothing to actually feel yet.

Experience prototyping is the tool that gets you there. It answers the critical question "how does this make me feel?" with rapid, early stage prototyping to define and test the future product & user experience

I offer a 30 minute keynote presentation on Experience Prototyping. The talk shares stories, case studies, design concepts and prototyping techniques for how to bring confidence to early-stage decision making, rapidly evaluating radical new ideas. I've presented versions of this talk to design teams in the UK, Europe and USA.

For bookings or bespoke requests:

Select previous talks

Hi-tech Mountaineering - Watch
TEDx Birmingham, UK
Designing for 250kph
Ars Electronica, Austria
Metaphors Mold Minds - Watch
IXDA Interaction 22, Online

Recent events

Prototyping with Hardware for the Web - Watch
2023 Jul
Newsletter guest edit - Read
2023 May
Design & Technology masterclass
2023 Mar
Experience Prototyping workshop
2023 Feb
Newsletter guest edit - Read
2022 Nov
Enrichment Residential
2022 Nov
Experience Prototyping workshop
2022 Nov
Private session: Experience Prototyping
2022 Oct
Newsletter guest edit - Read
2022 Jul
Designing for people: 2-day workshop
2022 May
Minimal hardware interfaces workshop
2022 Apr
Metaphors Mold Minds - Watch
2022 Mar
Design and Technology Association conversation - Listen
2022 Feb
Private session: Designing friendly futures
2022 Jan
Experience Prototyping workshop
2021 Nov
Designing friendly futures
2021 Sep
Designing for people: 2-day workshop
2021 Jun
Design prototyping workshop
2021 May
Private session
2021 May
UX of LEGO Interfaces - Watch
2021 Mar
UX of LEGO Interfaces
2021 Feb
UX of LEGO Interfaces - Event link
2020 Dec